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The Healing Power of Words: Love Letters

“Love Letters” is a soulful initiative that encourages individuals to express their emotions, memories and love for their departed loved ones through written words.

LoveLettersLove Letter to Uncle Alan (AKA Unkie Alan)
July 19, 2024

Love Letter to Uncle Alan (AKA Unkie Alan)

Uncle Alan, Letters and texts were never really our thing. You were always a phone call kinda guy, and man would I give anything to see your name pop up…
LoveLettersI Would Do Anything To Hold You Again – From”Muva” to Annie
March 7, 2024

I Would Do Anything To Hold You Again – From”Muva” to Annie

Dearest Annie, I wish I could watch you drive off with your doggie, Princess, for a fun day at the park. I wish I could learn new signs from you,…
LoveLettersI Love Your Guts! From Shelley to Jed
March 6, 2024

I Love Your Guts! From Shelley to Jed

Dear Jed, When I was 2 1/2 years old, I received the best present in the world…YOU. You were the cutest little boy I ever knew. You had the most…
LoveLettersYou Were the Best Mom – From Nikki
March 5, 2024

You Were the Best Mom – From Nikki

Dear Mommy, I miss you so much all the time and miss talking to you everyday. I wasn't ready for you to go but I know you were in pain.…