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The Christi Center offers groups to create community for those with shared experiences.

By connecting with others with shared experiences, you will be invited into a peer support group with those who have also experienced the death of a loved one. We offer support groups where you connect with others and find a safe space to explore the emotions that are part of the grief process. Led by a facilitator, you can also explore activities to help maintain a healthy relationship with your memories and loved one, and in community education so that we are all better equipped to help the grieving people in our lives.

You will receive the support of peers who can truly relate, from hearing how others have coped, and the realization that you are not alone in your experience of loss. Together, you can benefit from helpful guidance on how to manage and express your complex emotions in a healthy manner.

Understanding that grief does not have a cure, but requires ongoing maintenance, our services are available for however long they are needed, and are always free of charge.

Types of Adult Support Groups

General Support Groups
  • Small discussion groups for Loss of a Child/Grandchild, Loss of a Spouse/Partner, and Loss of a Parent, Sibling, or other Significant Loved One
  • Meets online and in-person
  • Meets in-person at the Austin office and Georgetown office
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Loss to Suicide
  • Small discussion groups for loss of a loved one specifically to suicide
  • Meets online and in-person
  • Meets in-person at the Austin office
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Loss to Overdose
  • Small discussion groups for loss of a loved one specifically to overdose
  • Meets online and in-person
  • Meets in-person at the Austin office
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Pregnancy and Infant Loss
  • Small discussion groups for people dealing with loss during pregnancy or the loss of an infant
  • Meets online only
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Crime Victims Loss
  • Small discussion groups specifically for crime victims grieving the loss of a loved one
  • Meets online and in-person
  • Meets in-person at the Austin office
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Loss to and during COVID-19
  • Small discussion groups for loss during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Meets online only
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Peer Support?

Peer support is the help and support that people with lived experience are able to give to one another. At The Christi Center, it means you will attend groups with others who have experienced similarities in their losses.  Our adult groups are facilitated by trained volunteers, many of whom have also experienced a loss.

Peer support can be very effective in the healing process because group members not only empathize with and validate individual experiences, but also share their lived experience, knowledge and information, encouragement, and support.

What does it cost?

All of our grief support services are free -of-charge. Grief is hard enough without worrying about insurance coverage, co-pays or fees-for-service.

Where are your groups located?

We offer groups in Austin at our home in the Rosedale/Allandale neighborhood, in Georgetown (our satellite office), and online.

Where can I park?

At our Austin location, you can park:

  • Our parking lot
  • Pat’s Games parking lot
    • Weekdays 9am-3pm & Monday Nights until 10pm
  • 2 lots down @ 2302 Hancock
    • on right of Clayton’s 2302 sign–building with the Barber Pole
    • AFTER 5pm
  • Street parking on side streets along Hancock Dr.

Please do NOT park:

  • Next door @ 2304 Hancock Drive — YOU WILL BE TOWED!

Our Georgetown location, you can park:

  • Georgetown Community Resource parking lot
Do you offer any services in Spanish?

Yes! We offer an adult loss group in Spanish, and our Kids Who Care program welcomes Spanish-speaking and bilingual families.

What loss-specific groups do you offer?

We have adult loss groups for Loss of a Child/Grandchild, Loss of a Partner/Spouse, Loss of a Parent, Sibling, or other Significant Loved One (Mixed Loss Group). We also offer specific groups for Loss to Suicide, Loss to Overdose, and Loss to a Crime. These groups provide space to process the trauma around the cause of death in addition to the grief of losing the loved one.

How do I get started with a peer support group?

In order to begin attend groups, we ask that you call before attending or arrive 30 minutes before a group to complete a required intake. Call us at 512-467-2600. We will talk with you about your loss, your current support system, and help you find the right group to start with. We will also talk through what to expect the first time you attend a group.

How often and for how long do I need to attend?

Support groups at The Christi Center are open-ended. This means we trust you to decide how long and how often to attend. As a new member, we recommend that you come at least 3 times –it can take that long to find connection. And over time, if you stop attending, know that our doors are always open to you. The grief process has many ups and downs, and sometimes you just need to connect with your peers.

My teen is really mature. Can they attend the adult group?

We offer a teen group for youth ages 13-18. (Teen Info) While it’s possible that your teen might be able to handle adult conversations, the other adults might not feel as free to share. Most importantly, we believe that the greatest benefit to peer support is connecting with others who share some similarities, like going to high school while grieving.

Do you have childcare?

No. We do offer our Kids Who Care program which offers play and activity-based grief support for kids 5-12, and has a concurrent group for the child’s parents/caregivers.

Who facilitates the groups?

Our adult groups are facilitated by trained peer volunteers and co-facilitated by clinical interns pursuing a master’s degree in social work or professional counseling. Many facilitators came to The Christi Center as a group member after their own loss, and wanted to give back by helping others.

“The Christi Center has a very caring staff. The first day was the hardest for me, my emotions were at the highest possibly due to the unknown. I was not sure I would even be able to share. I was made to feel at home by everyone around me. After sharing my deepest feelings I actually felt a great relief. It was as though this was what I needed to start my healing journey.”

Anonymous Client

“Grief is expensive. The individual therapy for my family is hundreds every month during this acute phase. My son died only 5 months ago. It is so painful that not only did I lose my son, but I’m also having to pay for his last days in the hospital and for so much therapy dealing with losing him. So having this free, no financial pressure environment gives my family tremendous relief.”

Anonymous Client
For Over 30 Years

We have been providing love, hope, comfort and support

to people of all ages in a warm and welcoming environment.

“The Christi Center was such an important part of our healing—we know we are not alone. All our stories here are different, but we are all here to find our new normal. My family’s journey was not easy and I wouldn’t wish loss on anyone, but it was our journey. We came out stronger on the other side.”

Anonymous Client