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Tidings of Comfort and Hope: Holiday tree decorating

By November 30, 2012May 8th, 2024One Comment

Decorated tree by ercwttmn

Tree decorating is a common family tradition during the holidays. My grandmother started an ornament collection for me as soon as I was born. Each year she purchased a holiday ornament for me. My mother kept each year’s ornament and when I moved into my own home, I received my collection of ornaments.

I haven’t thought about this until now, but I guess my collection ends with last year’s (2011) ornament, since my grandmother passed away earlier this year. I could continue the collection by buying ornaments for myself, but the collection itself is not the important part of this tradition. The fact that my grandmother built my ornament collection for me, year by year, for 34 years, is the important part.

Does your family have a tradition of collecting ornaments, or decorating a holiday tree? We would love to hear about it in the comments section below.

Each year here in Austin along one of our highways, trees are decorated by various families. Perhaps you are ready for a change this year. After losing a loved one, some find comfort in maintaining established traditions. But if you are looking for a new twist this year, consider decorating a tree along Loop 360 and sharing the beauty with everyone driving by!


One Comment

  • Beverly says:

    When I grew up I took many of the family ornaments with me, and as my children were little started a collection for them too. When my daughter left home I sent hers with her, My son, was too much of a rolling stone. I was hanging on to his until I thought he would appreciate them; when married or had a child of his own, A little over a year ago my 33 year old son died suddenly from brain damage. When I place each of his ornaments on the tree I am reminded of the years we had him with us. Just as when I put up the ones from my home I am reminded of what used to be and those who used to share the holidays in my youth . I have added one more to my son Todd’s collection; one as a reminder of the year we lost him.