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BloggrievingLoss of a Spouse or Partner

"Tidings of Comfort and Hope": What Brings You Comfort and Hope?

By December 17, 2012August 9th, 2018No Comments

Last Sunday, over 300 friends of The Christi Center gathered for our Annual Candlelight Remembrance Service. We host this event each year to give families a chance to come together during the busy (and often, difficult)  holiday season to remember and honor lost loved ones.  We hang photos of loved ones on our 20-ft tall Tree of Remembrance and light candles in their honor.

This year, our theme was “Tidings of Comfort and Hope”, and focused on ways to find comfort and hope during times of intense grief.  Our speaker, Pastor Rex D. Johnson, delivered a message of comfort and hope and participants were gifted with a complimentary copy of his book, “With a Palm and a Willow“.  We then asked participants to share what brings them comfort and hope.  Here are just a few of the responses.


  • “Signs” almost always bring joy in my heart and the hope of seeing and being with Amy again.  Some “signs” include ladybugs, favorite songs playing at times of low sadness, and falling stars from heaven.
  • After my husband died, it helped me a lot to go through photos with my children and grandchildren.  This brought conversations about trips, events, and daily life when he was still with us.  We all were able to laugh and cry together.
  • My wife had some wrist bands imprinted with my son’s name after he died.  We wear one every day in remembrance of him.  His friends like them too and many people have taken them to places he would have liked to visit and left them there.  It helps… 
  • Friends who called, some every day.  Those who sent cards with beautiful, loving messages.  Friends who fed us.  All those who gave of their time and resources comforted.
  • I write my girl a letter and let her konw how much I miss her.  I also catch her up on family events.  Once completed, I send her letter to her attached to balloons.  I know as the ballons get further away they are closer to her.
  • Friends that I’ve met at The Christi Center who have expeirenced the same loss – they have become forever friends.

We will continue to share more of these on the blog throughout the year.  The complete collection of responses will be available in a scrapbook in The Christi Center library – please stop by for a visit anytime to flip through it.

Please comment and share with us what bring you comfort and hope.