On March 2-3, The Christi Center will once again participate in Amplify Austin, a citywide day of online giving. This year our goal is to raise $40,000 in 24 hours, which would support the cost of providing grief support services for 40 adults for an entire year!
To reach this goal, we’re looking for ambassadors who are willing to set up an online fundraising page to share with family and friends via email and social media (or even snail mail) during Amplify Austin. Your campaign can be as small or large as you like, and you can also promote your page earlier and encourage folks to schedule donations in advance. Some of our Christi Center friends run campaigns in memory of loved ones, and this is a great way to honor them while giving back to our Christi Center community.
In honor of our 30th anniversary this year, we’d like to have 30 ambassadors who are willing to set up fundraising pages and campaigns. Will you be one of them? Sign up here today!
PS Mark your calendars and save the date for our Amplify Austin kickoff party on March 2nd at 6 pm!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I don’t like asking people for money. Why should I do this?
A: There are two reasons. Word of mouth is the #1 way people learn about The Christi Center. The more you talk about it, the more likely it is that people who need us will hear about us. Everyone experiences grief, and this is a great way for you to increase awareness in your circles about The Christi Center’s services. The second reason is that the only way we’re able to keep our services free to everyone who needs them is through fundraising. This is not JUST asking for money. It’s sharing your personal story to help someone walking the grief journey behind you.
Q: How much do I have to raise?
A: Totally up to you! Our Christi Center collective goal is $40,000 – your campaign goal can be as small as $250 and as big as you like!
Q: What am I asking for money for?
A: The Christi Center uses all funds raised to provide free, ongoing grief support groups for children and adults who are adjusting to life after the death of a loved one. If you’ve come to groups at the Center, this is a great way for you to pay it forward to those traveling the grief journey behind you and keep our services free of charge to all who need them!
Q: So what all is involved with this?
A: We keep it as simple as possible. We’ll help you set up an online fundraising page and send you the link. You can spread the word about your campaign in several ways:
- Send an email with the link to your page to friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc. letting them know why The Christi Center is important to you and asking them to make a gift. Some people ask for gifts in memory of their loves ones and that is a great way to honor your loved one’s memory.
- Share the link to your page on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – wherever you are and feel comfortable! In addition to your story, you can share facts and information on The Christi Center (we’ll send you this info throughout the campaign).
- Bring your family and friends to the Purple Zebra Birthday Party at The Christi Center on March 2nd from 6:30 to 8:30 pm! This free celebration is our Amplify Austin Kickoff (we’re also celebrating our 30th anniversary) and a great way for people in your circle to see The Christi Center themselves!
Q: I’m going to be out of town/busy on March 2-3, can I still participate?
A: YES! The beauty of this e-campaign is that you can do it from anywhere that you have your phone or laptop! You can also ask people to schedule donations in advance – so if you’d rather run the campaign earlier than March 2nd, you can do that as well.
Q: Got it. I’m social-media savvy and I’m ready to take my campaign to the next level. Where can I get ideas/inspiration?
A: Amplify Austin (the lead organization in this city-wide day of giving) is an AMAZING resource – they offer toolkits, trainings (there’s a great one on February 11th from 11 to 1 that you can also take online), and more. Contact us and we’ll send you direct links to all this information.
Q: You missed something or I did – I still don’t get it.
A: We’re here for you! Fill out this form or call 512-467-2600 and we’ll walk you through it all. Thanks so much for supporting grieving families and The Christi Center in this way – we’re grateful for you.