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Tree Giveaway!

By August 12, 2014August 9th, 201814 Comments


cropped tree grove logo

For this final year at Old Settlers Park, a generous Tree Grove sponsor is donating TWO trees to help families honor their loved ones.

Here is how it works:

LEAVE A COMMENT on THIS blog post, telling us how a memorial tree would help you and your family remember your loved one.

You can also enter by:

TWEET us @ChristiCenter, and tell us in 140 characters, or

LIKE us on Facebook, and comment,  or post to our wall.

We will pick two winners in a RANDOM DRAWING on Thursday, August 14th.


The Dedication ceremony for the Tree Grove will be held Saturday, October 25th. 


  • Mary Temperley says:

    I am from Argentina and have been living here in Austin for more than 6 years now. I have a brother living here in Texas as well. Our brother died in Argentina and I’d love for us to have a tree and a place to honor him. This means a lot for us.
    Thank you,

    Mary Temperley

  • Marilyn Stone says:

    Rick loved nature and was only truly happy when he was in nature and working to do what was right for the environment. He suffered from depression for a long time before he decided he couldn’t suffer anymore. A tree dedicated in his name would help us remember the true happy nature person that he really was.

  • Nausheen Abbasi says:

    I lost my father 6 months ago. He was very foundation of our family, a solid trunk planted firmly in the soil, grounded. He protected us with his soft and loving leaves, shading us from life’s hardships. A tree so eloquently describes my nurturing dad and I’d be honored to receive one in his name.

  • Samantha says:

    My son David passed away in March and was his little brothers hero. He was a United States Marine and proudly served his country. He had a love for country, respect for earth and died while on active duty. A memorial tree planted in his memory would be a comforting reminder that love never dies but grows. Visiting this memorial tree and watching it grow would also be healing for his brother and our family.

  • Kristen Turpin says:

    We continue to celebrate Jack after five years. Although he is not with us each day in person, his love continues to grow and spread among us and our children, as the arms and roots of a tree. ~Kristen Turpin

  • Kirby Hiscox says:

    My son, Drake, and I had such fond memories of the Mud Quest and Cardboard Boat Regatta held in Old Settlers Park. We lost Drake on May 22, 2013. He was 12 years old. A tree dedicated to Drake would be a lasting legacy of his tender heart and brilliant spirit.
    Thank you very much,
    Kirby Hiscox

  • Donna Connell says:

    I lost my son from a heroin overdose in January. He was a twin. His twin is also an addict, sober now since March. Our family has been devastated by his loss, but especially his identical twin brother, Justin. He has two small children and a tree would be a wonderful remembrance for us all. A tree is a reminder that our lives must go on and we continue to grow even in the face of this tragedy. It would be a place for mediation and healing for us all.

  • Kathryn Lewis says:

    My older brother, Michael, was a man full of life and loved everything outdoors. Although he struggled with alcoholism, he was an incredible father to his two boys, 3 & 1, and husband to his beautiful wife, Heather. He ended his struggle 6 weeks ago. Watching a tree grow and having a marker in Austin would be a blessing. A reminder that his life and legacy that he left behind will continue to grow as we remember and honor the man he was. I miss him dearly.

  • Laura says:

    I lost my brother Brian, my only sibling, nearly 4 years ago to suicide. He was cremated back home in Minnesota so I don’t have a gravesite to visit… a tree in his memory would be a wonderful tribute and give me a place to go when I feel as though I want to be closer to him. How generous of them to donate 2 trees… whoever wins will be so very lucky! Laura Habedank

  • Suzan Arizpe says:

    We cremated my son, James’, remains, as he had wanted, and spread his ashes to the corners of the earth, so his atoms could rejoin the universe. It would be comforting to have a tree in his memory – a living, growing part of this world that I could see and touch. I could watch it grow tall and strong, as he did. He died this past June, but a tree would live on as a physical memorial honoring his life with us.

  • Bianca Reese says:

    I lost
    my father, Ernesto Pena Jr., 3 years ago to a cruel aggressive cancer that took
    him in a short 6 months. He had a beautiful and fruitful lemon tree in south Texas
    that I wish I could up root and move here with me. He and my daughter planted
    that tree 13 years ago and it’s full of life and beautiful with an abundance of
    delicious lemons. He loved life and fought so hard to stay on this earth but
    God had other plans for this beautiful man who is now an angel. Life has been
    extremely difficult since he’s been gone as he was the patriarch and glue to
    our family. A tree would be an honor and a wonderful tribute to a wonderful,
    prideful man. I wish we could have a tree for all of our painful losses. Bianca

  • Andy Walvoord says:

    Our oldest son, Michael, was full of love and enthusiasm for the outdoors; hiking, camping, kayaking, fishing, gardening, and photography of the outdoors…all were an integral part of spirit. The planting of a tree in his memory would be a wonderful tribute to the deep love and respect he had for the wonders of nature. It would be a meaningful testimony for his grieving wife, his young sons (3 and 1) and the family of his everlasting love. His happiest times were spent hiking at Turkey Creek in Austin. It has only been six weeks since his death and this symbol of life as the tree grows will fill our hearts with loving memories of our dear one. We miss you Michael.

  • The Christi Center says:

    Thank you all so much for sharing your memories of your loved ones! We all wish we had trees for each of you. Please know we’re thinking of you and your loved ones today, and will carry that to the dedication in October.

    Our winners today are Kirby Hiscox and Nausheen Abbai. Winners, please call Lara at 512-467-2600 to get all the details.

  • dianna says:

    I would like to recommend that the tree be planted in honor of Michael Walvord. I have known his parents and sister for many years. This would be a source of healing for Mike’s wonderful family.