loss of a loved one to suicide

Summer (Grief) Reading List for Kids + Teens

School is out, days are long–which means more time for reading. Whether it’s planning for relaxing days on the beach, at Barton Springs Pool, or inside soaking up some cool A/C, we are often looking for a good read in the summer. If your mind is occupied with grief matters, perhaps reading a grief tale […]

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Heart Connections: Finding Total Peace and Forgiveness

Elaine Miller’s introduction to The Christi Center started back in 1999 when her husband died by suicide. With three children under 13, Elaine found her way to The Christi Center (then called For the Love of Christi) in spring of 1999. She spent 45 minutes on the phone with the person who answered it. “I

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Your 2015 Summer Grief Reading List

Summertime and reading often go hand-in-hand. While it might be a good time for some escapist novel, adding to your knowledge bases, or a good old cathartic cry might be just what you’re looking for this summer. To help inspire your, we collected some of the books our Christi Center team find inspiring, helpful, or resonant. Erin, Program Manager:

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Speaking Grief

Speaking Grief: How to respond when someone in your life loses someone they love  by Shana Rubenstein I have had the privilege of being a social work intern at the Christi Center since September. In this role, I have had learned from individuals of all ages grieving the death of loved ones. After a few months of assisting

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Kids and Grief

by Shana Rubenstein Ways to think about kids and grief •  While it is rarely something our society likes to admit, children do experience grief and need their families, friends, and communities to recognize and understand what they are going through. •  Children under five years old may not understand the finality of death. They

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Two Men and a Dragonfly

by Linda Phillips Thune First published at http://phillips-write.typepad.com/ on April 3rd, 2012. Republished with kind permission of the author. Some signs are so wonderful, you can’t help but believe. When I keep my senses open, Annie’s messages find their way to me, especially when I’m needing them most. We’re days away from her being gone two years. I

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For the love of Sean

By Theresa Seibold Nothing in this world can prepare you for this moment in time. And unless someone has been down this fork of the road themselves they will not understand. The most cruel and hurtful comments from those you expect loving support from are bound to happen. Some relationships will be severed. But some

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Another Year, Another Chance…

This post is reprinted by permission of L. Phillips Thune. You can follow Linda’s grief journey on her blog, “Running for Home–In the Words of L. Phillips Thune“, as well as in her previous entries for The Christi Center blog here and here. –Lara Fall certainly came and went with its cooler winds and falling leaves, confused by

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